Friday, May 25, 2012

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Can you see the beam that is not attached at the top? that is what I was looking at, we fixed it =)



Week 28 
Weight +19 Pounds 
Waist +8.5 Inches 
Cravings: Nothing in particular 
Dislikes: My oily belly, getting dressed is such a hassle after having put on oil!

I gained over 2 pounds this week, I didn't feel like I was eating more or she was growing more but the scale doesn't lie haha. I did feel more uncomfortable this week, so far pregnancy hadn't been super uncomfortable but there were a couple days this past week were I was incredibly uncomfortable; I couldn't breath very well, my back was hurting, I started to experience heartburn, I was really warm and I couldn't find a position comfortable enough to sleep. Thankfully it wasn't every day and eventually I would just shake it off and pretend I was having a blast, but man oh man I missed my normal body for a few minutes there. 

Antonella has been kicking harder and longer. Sometimes either her head or her butt will stick out from my side and she will stay there for a few seconds and then move, I love feeling her, she is so active and fun. Per every book we are reading I am supposed to be counting her movements in the morning and at night, if I get less than 10 in 2 hrs I am supposed to call my midwife just to make sure things are all right. Well every time she reaches the 10 movements in less than 2 minutes, she really does move constantly and most of the time violently. 

The baby room is coming together, we are slowly but surely adding pieces here and there. I don't want to go crazy with it, something simple will do, I want everything about her life to be simple, as simple as possible. As soon as we have something to show we will take pictures of her room and share them with you. 


Semana 28
Peso +19 libras
Cintura +8.5 pulgadas
Antojos: Nada en particular
No me gusta: El estomago lleno de aceite, vestirse despues de poner aceite en la barriga es horrible.

Esta semana me subi 2 libras, no comi nada diferente, ni senti que ella estuviera creciendo mas, no hice nada raro pero la pesa no miente jaja. Si empece a sentirme mucho mas incomoda esta semana, hasta ahora el embarazo no habia sido increibementente incomodo but un par de dias de la semana pasada estuve muy incomoda; no podia respirar bien, la espalda me estaba doliendo, empece a sentir acidez en la boca del estomago, tenia mucho calor y no podia encontrar una posicion lo suficientemente comoda para dormir. Gracias a Dios no fue todos los dias y eventualmente me tocaba pretender que todo estaba bien y yo la estaba pasando delicioso, pero dejenme decirles que esta semana pasada extrañe mi cuerpo normal un par de veces.

Antonella sigue moviendose mucho y por periodos de tiempo mas largos. Aveces su cabeza o cola salen del lado de mi barriga y ella se queda en esa posicion un par de segundos y despues se mueve, me encanta sentirla, siempre esta activa y moviendose. Como todos los libros que estamos leyendo dicen que tengo que contar los movimientos en la mañana y en la noche he estado haciendo eso. Lo que dicen es que si siento menos de 10 movimientos en 2 hrs tengo que llamar a mi doctor o partera para asegurarnos de que todo esta en orden. Cada vez que he contado ella llega a 10 moviemientos en menos de 2 minutos, realmente se mueve constantemente y la mayoria del tiempo con mucha fuerza. 

El cuarto esta poco a poco viendose mejor, hemos estado adicionando piezas aqui y alla. No quiero que sea nada super elaborado, un cuarto simple es lo que queremos. Yo quiero que todo seas simple en general, lo mas simple posible. Apenas tengamos  algo que mostrarles vamos a tomar fotos del cuerto y se las mostramos.


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