Saturday, July 27, 2013

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Week 11
Weight - 1 lb
Inches - 4 inches
Like -  Just a whole bunch of random cravings everyday
Dislike - People, terrible I know, but true.

Week 11 was fun, I am less tired than before, still feeling nausea though. The tooth brush problem I had being pregnant with Antonella is back with this little one. Every time I brush my teeth I end up gagging, Caleb laughs, and I just breathe and pray I won't throw up haha.

Most of the time the nausea leaves in the early afternoon and doesn't come back until morning, so it hasn't been really all that bad. 

I had a dream I had two baby girls and went back to the hospital to return one of them because two babies were too much, I woke up and told Caleb, he laughed at me and then freaked out at the thought of having another girl. He's happy to have a girl, but dads are always nervous to have little girls, it's funny. 

My sciatica pain never fully left after I had Antonella but has gotten increasingly worse since I got pregnant again. It is mostly a nigh time ailment, sometimes it wakes me up, but thankfully Caleb's massages help with it, so we'll keep trying the massages and hoping the pain stays controlled. . 


Semana 11
Peso -
1 lb
Cintura -
4 pulgadas
Antojos -
Tengo una cantidad de antojos raros todo el tiempo
No me gusta -
La gente, yo se terrible, pero asi es =/

La semana 11 fue divertida. Estoy menos cansada, pero seguimos con nauseas. El problem que tenia con Antonella y el cepillo de dientes volvio con este bebE. Cada vez que me lavo los dientes termino con ganas de vomitar, caleb se rie, y yo empeizo a respirar despacio y a orar que no voy a vomitar jaja. 

La mayoria del tiempo las nauseas se van en en la tarde y no regresan hasta el otro dia en la mañana, entonces no es tan terrible.

Tuve un sueño que habia tenido dos hijas, y me deolvia al hospital a darles una de las dos de vuelta porque dos era demasiado jaja, apenas me desperte le conte a Caleb. El se rio un rato y despues empezo a asustarse con la idea de tener mas hijas jaja, no es que no quiera tener hijas, es que los papas son raros con las niñas, es chistoso. 

El dolor de mi ciatica nunca se fue despues de que tuve a Antonella, pero desde que quede embarazada ha sido peor y peor. La mayoria del tiempo solo me molesta de noche y afortunadamente los masajes de Caleb ayudan, entonces vamos a seguir intentando los masajes y esperando que el dolor se vaya.

Friday, July 26, 2013

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Antonella week 49
Antonella keeps growing by the hour and making me laugh with all her amazing faces, smiles, melt downs, words (all 5, mama, dada, bye, hi, cha -which means chao-), games, kisses that hurt, and just self. 

She has been eating a lot lately, generally she will have a puree of vegetables mixed with a fruit and then she will share with me whatever I am eating. She loves rice and eggs, and she loves turkey and of course cheerios. 

We are planning her birthday party and most all decorations are taken care of, we are just going to need to figure out the food. I am really excited about celebrating her first year with friends and seeing her eat some cake. I still cannot believe she is going to be 1 in just a few weeks.

Monday, July 22, 2013

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We decided to go to balboa park and spend some time at the kids park with Antonella. It's a park for older children but Antonella is so curious she had an amazing time. Park time is fun for the Luehmanns!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Posted by Unknown |
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Week 10
Weight - 1 lb
Inches - 4 inches
Like - Anything from Colombia, figs have been a big craving, I want figs with arequipe (Colombian caramel) all the time. And I only have two figs left.
Dislike - Nothing in particular

This past week was interesting, I didn't sleep much from headaches and nausea, so I was a bit tired throughout the days. This baby is making his/her presence known. My throat was hurting throughout the week and I started having a mild cough. I think that didn't help my sleeping either.

I am still nursing Antonella and I've noticed that between nursing and the baby I am very thirsty all the time, and very hungry. But when I do eat I can't eat much because I feel nauseated and water has to be very very very cold otherwise I end up throwing up. It's a bit strange. The teeth brushing problem I had with A is back, every time I brush my teeth I end up gagging a lot, it's pretty funny, especially for my husband. 

I have no patience right now, and everything seems to be irritating. The simplest things irritate me more than normal, and I have to be very careful not to open my mouth. Last Wednesday at our School of Ministry class I was given some throat relief lozenges, and they felt amazing, I was so excited. At the end of class one of the students told me she loved those things and asked if she could have one, I said yes reluctantly but I wanted to bite her head off, CRAZY! 

I know i am being crazy and irrational, but I really can't help myself. I am hoping this behaviour is over sooner than later, I can't walk around biting my tongue haha. 


Semana 10
Peso -
1 lb
Cintura -
4 pulgadas
Antojos -
Cualquier cosa de Colombia. La brevas son el mayour antojo, especialmente las brevas con arequipe, y solo me quedan dos brevas =(.
No me gusta -
Nada en particular

La semana pasada fue interesante, no dormi mucho por dolores de cabeza y nausea, entonces estuve un poco cansada durante el dia. Este bebe se esta asegurando de que sepamos que esta aca! My garganta me ha estado doliendo y he tenido un poco de tos, yo creo que eso no ayudo al sueno tampoco. 

Sigo dandole pecho a Antonella, y he notado que entre eso y el bebe siempre tengo sed y siempre tengo hambre. Cuando me siento a comer no puedo comer mucho porque siento nauseas, y el agua tiene que ser helada o si no me hace vomitar. Es un poco raro. El problema que tuve con Antonella lavandome los dientes volvio con este bebe, cada vez que me lavo los dientes me dan ganas de vomitar, es chistoso, especialmente para mi esposo.

No he tenido mucha paciencia, todo me irrita. Las cosas mas simples me irritan mas de lo normal, y tengo que tener de no decir nada cuando estoy molesta. El miercoles pasado en la escuela donde trabajo uno de los estudiantes me dio unas pastillas para el dolor de garganta, y me ayudaron muchisimo, yo estaba feliz con ellas. Al final de la clase una de las estudiantes me pregunto si podia tomar una de las pastillas, y yo le dije que si, pero por dentro queria qitarle la cabeza, estaba tan molesta con ella, LOCA!!!
Yo se que estoy siendo rara, irracional y loca, pero no puedo controlarlo. Espero que sea un comportamiento que se vaya pronto, no puedo seguir caminando mordiendome la lengua jaja.
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Antonella Week 48
Teething babies are cranky, and a little funny. Last week Antonella was running a fever and was fuzzy, but her demeanor wasn't super different, she was just hurting! She started grinding her teeth, which sounds like nails against chalk to Caleb and I. We give her teething toys and teething pills, but she still gets really frustrated at times and just makes faces like the ones in this pictures. It's cute, and hard because I want to take the pain away. 

We have been teaching her not to bite, a new awesome habit she has due to teething. And every time she bites we say no sternly, so she learned to say no herself; it's really cute. But here we are trying to correct behaviour, and there she is being all cute, keeping a straight face is very difficult. 

Here we go unto week 49, hoping teething is over sooner than later, and we are able to teach our daughter that biting is NEVER ok!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

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Antonella Week 47
Do we all realize Antonella is but a few weeks away from turning 1!! This is crazy to me, crazy. I can't believe I have an almost 1 year old in my hands, she is my baby. 

My baby and all but she seems ready to grow up. Taking pictures of her is more and more challenging, she will not sit still. She knows how to get off chairs and couches now, so she will hop off before I can get a nice picture of her. She is always going going going. 

This week we started feeding her whatever we eat, so she tried some turkey meat, and all sorts of grains, some red meat, chicken. The only thing she still hasn't really had is sugar, I want to delay that for as long as possible. She loves all types of food,  I still have not seen her turn away anything. Sweet potatoes are still a big favorite, and anything she can hold with her own hands, that's all she wants to do, feed herself. 

She got a 4th tooth, her top middle one is officially out, which makes her biting quite painful, and she has been doing so a lot. We are trying to correct that behaviour, so far without much success ha.

She also got two more moles, tiny little things. One is on her left arm behind her elbow, the other one is on the back of her neck, right in the middle. I love them, they are so cute. 

My baby keeps growing, and I keep trying to remember everything, memorize everything, soak everything, but it's going faster than I can process, so I just smile and let time pass me by as pictures are being snapped.

Friday, July 12, 2013

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Yes, she is eating a leaf // Si, se esta comiendo una hoja

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She was biting on it and wouldn't let me get it out. // La estaba mordiendo y no me dejaba sacarla

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Week 9
Weight - 2 lb
Inches - 3 inches
Like - I still want coffee desperately, and fruit juice from Colombia. 
Dislike - Nothing in particular

This week I am either super bloated or you really do grow a lot faster with your second, phew. When I measured my waist and saw it was 3 inches wider I couldn't believe it, it took way longer with Antonella, haha oh boy, we'll see what that means for later on in this pregnancy. 

I am still exhausted all the time, all the time! It's pretty insane how between breastfeeding and growing a new human your body just can't seem to handle anything else. I think chasing the leaf eater doesn't help with that either ha. 

Nausea is still with me, I've thrown up a few times but not too much. My stomach just turns and turns, especially in the mornings right after I eat something. It may be because I have been having Milo in the mornings (a chocolaty milk drink thing from Colombia), but I doubt it, Milo is good for everyone. 

A couple days ago I was laying in bed late at night without being able to sleep and my hand was right on my belly and I felt like the baby moved, I know, I know the baby is just the size of a grape and that's crazy. But, I seriously felt what I would when I first started feeling Antonella. It wasn't on my hand, it was just inside of me. I don't know, maybe I am crazy. 

I am still having crazy dreams and nightmares and not sleeping so well, but thankfully A has been sleeping wonderfully so I get a little bit more rest.Let's see how next week goes.


Semana 9
Peso - 2 lb
Cintura - 3 pulgadas
Antojos - Todavia quiero cafe desesperadamente, y jugos naturales Colombianos
No me gusta - Nada en particular

Esta semana estoy un poco hinchada o uno realmente crece mucho mas rapido con el segundo bebe.  Cuando me medi la cintura y vi que habia crecido 3 pulgadas no podia creerlo, con Antonella tomo mucho mas tiempo. Vamos a ver esto que significa mas adelante en el embarazo. 

Sigo muy cansada todo el tiempo, todo el tiempo! Es increible como entre darle pecho a un bebe y crecer a otro mi cuerpo no puede hacer nada mas. Yo creo que perseguir a la come hojes no ayuda mucho con el cansancio tampoco jaja. 

Sigo sintiendo nauseas, he vomitado un par de veces pero no mucho. Mi estomago da vueltas y vueltas, especialmente en la mañana despues de que como algo. Puede ser porque he estado romando milo en la mañana, pero no creo, el milo es bueno para todo el mundo. 

Hace un par de dias estaba acostada en la cama tarde en la noche porque no podia dormir y tenia la mano sobre la barriga y senti que el bebe se movio. Yo se, yo se que el bebe es del tamaño de una uva y que estoy loca, pero en serio lo senti como sentia a Antonella las primeras veces. No fue en mi mano, fue adentro. No se, tal vez si estoy loca.

Sigo teniendo sueños locos y pesadillas y no durmiendo muy bien, pero afortunadamente A ha estado durmiendo super bien entonces eso ayuda. Vamos a ver como nos va la siguiente semana

Saturday, July 6, 2013

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This year was our first year having 4th of July not living downtown, and we wondered what we were going to do. Well turns out Pool Momma and Pool Poppa were in town for the holiday and staying in a hotel downtown, so we celebrated it where we have every year.

We had a great time and Antonella's first encounter with fireworks was a huge success, she loved them and kept clapping at them. Alayna joined us for the fireworks and then it took us about 40 minutes to get out of downtown, but it gave us a chance to chat with our friend, so it was good. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , ,
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Week 8
Weight - 0
Inches - 0
Cravings - Coffee and red meat
Dislike - Sweets ugh, and random smells that trigger nausea.

So here we are, taking pictures on 4th of July. This week nausea started coming more consistently. I haven't been throwing up or anything, but I feel nausea constantly and have to stop whatever I am doing and just breath and breath and breath. 

Fatigue is still my nemesis, I am so tired I fall asleep everywhere and have been trying to get a short nap daily to recharge. This pregnancy feels much more tiring than the first one, I don't remember being so tremendously exhausted with A. 

Coffee is still a big craving, and red meat has been added to the list, I think we had burgers 3 times this week because they sounded heavenly. Crazy thing is they don't cause me nausea so that's good. 

This week I started having crazy dreams and bad nightmares. I always heard about pregnancy dreams but didn't experience too unusual of dreams with A, especially considering dreams are common for me, baby in my belly or not. But this week I woke up a few times from insane dreams or really scary nightamres. I would end up awake for hours afterwards just praying and trying to calm down, very strange, and not helpful regarding tiredness.

Tried wearing a top underneath the dress but I think that's worse so I may just keep wearing the dress, and we'll see what happens once belly pops. Below some pictures we took after taking week 8 pictures, of Antonella. She's cute.


Semana 8
Peso - 0
Cintura - 0
Antojos - Cafe y carne roja
No me gusta - Dulces y olores que hacen que sienta nauseas

Aca estamos tomando fotos el 4 de Julio. Esta semana empece a sentir nauseas mas consistentemente. no he estado vomitando ni nada, pero sientos nauseas todo el tiempo y tengo que parar lo que estoy para respirar y respirar y respirar.

El cansancio sigue siendo mi nemesis, estoy tan cansada que me quedo dormida en todo lado y he estado tratando de tomar siestas cortas todos los dias para recargar baterias. Con este embarazo me he sentido mucho mas cansada que con el primero, no me acuerdo haberme sentido tan increiblemente exhausta con A. 

El cafe sigue siendo un antojo, y ahora la carne roja ha sido adicionada a la lista, creo que esta semana comimos hamburguesas tres veces porque sonaba delicioso. Lo mas raro es que no me causan nauseas, entonces eso me alegra.

Esta semana empece a tener sueños loquisimos y pesadillas. Habia oido de los sueños durante el embarazo pero no tuve nada inusual con A, especialmente considerando que los sueños son bien comunes para mi, con bebe o sin bebe. Pero esta semana me despesrte un par de veces despes de tener sueños loquisimos o pesadillas horribles. Termine despierta por horas despues de despertarme orando y tratando de calmarme, super extraño, y no mucha ayuda con el cansancio. 

Trate de usar un top debajo del vestido pero creo que es peor, entonces voy a seguir usando el vestido y vamos a ver que pasa cuando me salga mas la barriga. Debajo un par de fotos de Antonella que tomamos despues de tomar las fotos de l barriga, es hermosa.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

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Antonella Week 46
July is here, and with it the last month my baby is not any years old haha. How did time go by so fast? I can't remember so many things, I am grateful for videos and pictures, but my mind fails me when I try to remember her the first few weeks. She was so tiny, I was so new at this baby business. I still feel so new at it and I am already planning a first birthday, kind of, I have ideas and a pinterest board. 

My baby has been sleeping wonderfully this week. We moved her bed time to 830pm, and then to 815pm and she has been waking up at 7am and 730am which is great because it gives me an hour to get my self organized and read and prayed up in the morning. Her naps however get shorter and shorter, we are lucky if we get an hour and a half. But she still gets two, one at 10am and one at 330pm. 

Don't you love her skin tone? and can you see the little curls coming out? Oh also I discovered her first mole this week, it's a small tiny brown dot in her lower back on the left side. I love that I know her so well a small dot is noticeable for me.