Friday, June 29, 2012

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There are so many things to do around San Diego, I love it!! We went strawberry picking this week with some of our friends (Erin, the Prelle girls, Gracie Belden, Lindsey and her son Nathan, and her sister) and we had the best time. 

Of course my obsession with strawberries right now might have had something to do with my decision to go strawberry picking, but regardless it was a good idea and a great way to spend a sunny morning in San Diego.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Week 33
Weight +24.5 Pounds 
Waist +11.5 Inches 
Cravings: Strawberries
Dislikes: Backache

So week 33 is the week my pregnancy kind of started kicking my bottom. I have been more uncomfortable and my sciatica and back have been hurting quite a bit. I am really grateful it is all mostly at night because I am pretty functional during the day, but once 9pm rolls around I am hurting. My lovely husband massages my back and leg every single night, which makes the pain much much better, and around 11, 1130 I am usually able to fall asleep. I don't sleep much but that's ok, I lay in bed and rest and fall in and out of sleep.

Antonella is very very active, she moves all the time and her moves are really violent, rarely do I get taps or brushes, it's always her entire foot sticking out my belly. I love feeling her. This past week she was resting her entire body on my left side for most of one day and my hip started hurting from it, I just laid on the opposite and had K talk to her and sing and then she moved. She's funny, I love feeling her and making her a part of our day even though she is not here here yet. 

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Her kick count from week 33

Our birthing class this past week was great. We learned non-focused awareness as a pain coping practice. It was actually very interesting. We also got to make drawings of what our focus will be during the most intense parts of labor, what image will keep us in the moment and remind us we can do it. We were sitting down on the floor, the teacher asked us to get comfortable and was teaching us how to calm our mind and see that calming image. K was sitting next to me and suddenly I feel him twitch, I know that when he twitches he's falling asleep so I wait, he twitches again. I let it be and then she gives us directions to start our drawing, he's completely asleep, I woke him up and he had no idea what we had to do. He really really quieted his mind, haha my husband!

Week 33 was a rough week with the aches and discomfort, but I am excited to see Antonella grow and have all this new sensations. She can be here anytime in the next month - 6weeks and I can't believe it.
Semana 33
Peso +24.5
Cintura +11.5
Antojos: Fresas
No me gusta: el dolor de espalda 

La semana 33 es la semana en la que el embarazo se puso un poquito mas incomodo. La pierna me estuvo doliento mucho y la espalda me sigue doliendo, ademas de estar incomoda con el peso del bebe. Menos mal la mayoria de las molestias son en la noche porque asi puedo funcionar bien durante el dia, pero apenas llegan las 9pm todo empieza a doler. Mi esposo me masajea la espalda y la pierna todas las noche, y eso ayuda muchisimo, mas o menos a las 11 - 1130 me puedo quedar dormida. No duermo mucho, pero esta bien, me quedo en la cama y descanso y me duermo y me despierto toda la noche.

Antonella sigue siendo muy activa, se mueve too el tiempo y sus movimientos son fuertes, muy raro siento pataditas o movimientos suaves, siempre es una pierna entera o un brazo entero empujandome. Me encanta sentirla. Esta semana que acaba de pasar puso todo su cuerpo a un lado de mi barriga casi que todo el dia, la cadera empezo a dolerme, entonces me acoste en el lado opuesto y K le hablo y le canto un buen rato hasta que se movio. Es divina, me encanta sentirla y hacerla parte de nuestros dias a pesar de que no esta completamente aca todavia.
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La cuenta de patadas de la semana 33

Nuestra clase de parto la semana pasada estuvo interesante. Aprendimos sobre un tecnica para sobrellevar el dolor durante el parto, es una tecnica de conciencia de no-enfoque. Fue bien interesante. Tambien nos toco hacer dibujos de algo que nos va a mantener enfocados durante las partes mas intensas del parto, que imagen nos va a mantener en el momento y a recordarnos que podemos hacerlo.

Estabamos sentados en el piso, la profesora nos pidio que nos pusieramos lo mas comodo posible y nos estaba enseñando a calmar nuestra mente y a ver esa imagen en nuestra mente. K estaba sentado al lado mio y senti que salto, yo se que cuando salta asi es porque se esta quedando dormido, despues salto otra vez, yo no le puse cuidado a los saltos y segui haciendo el ejercicio. La profesora nos dio direcciones para empeza nuestro dibujo y K estaba completamente dormido, yo lo desperte y el no tenia ni idea que teniamos que hacer. Realmente calmo su mente jaja, mi esposo!

La semana 33 fue un poquito dificil con los dolores y la incomodidad, pero estoy emocionada de ver a Antonella crecer y de sentir todas estas cosas nuevas. La señorita puede llegar en las siguientes 3-6 semanas, es increible!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

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K and I got a gift groupon for the mystery cafe dinner theater a while ago and we decided to use it this past weekend. It was fun and different, neither one of us was able to resolve all the mysteries taking place during dinner but we had fun and met some nice people at our table. I love dates with K, we always have the best time.

Monday, June 25, 2012

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Meet Aubrey, isn't she beautiful? she was born on Saturay 6.16 and her mom, Courtney, and I got to enjoy pregnancy together as she was only 6 weeks ahead of me. Aubrey is Gibson's little sister and he's doing wonderful at playing the older brother, he was so sweet to her while we were visiting with them.

Between Aubrey and PJ my daughter is already blessed with amazing girlfriends, I can't wait for them to start hanging out =D.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

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I don't know if Antonella is going to love berries or if there is something taking place in my body that makes me crave berries all the time, but when my husband makes me this plates of berries in the morning I immediately know my day will be awesome. Berries are just amazing right now for me, something about pregnancy has made them a must in my home.

Friday, June 22, 2012

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Week 32
Weight +24 Pounds 
Waist +11.5 Inches 
Cravings: Strawberries with nutella
Dislikes: Backache

Week 32 was spent at school, 8 hr days sitting on a school chair is not the best for an aching back but I made it! I made it guys! It was a long week but I was drinking my water, taking breaks and walking around the campus so I made it through.

We also started washing her clothes last week, we have almost everything we have washed and ready for her to star wearing it. We have diapers for about 5 days so if she comes early we should be fine. Except we haven't gotten the car seat, we have to get a car seat.

Her room is coming together as well, as soon as we are done I'll post some pictures. It's a fun, simple room. I like it and I am sure she will like it too. We got a white, old rocking chair on craigslist and I love it, I just have to find a pillow for it because the back needs a little bit of support. I need to get an ottoman too, and then we'll be done with her room. I found a few nice, affordable ottoman on etsy and I might just go that route.

Antonella keeps on growing and kicking, I have been getting more and more tired and I wake up a few times a night from her kicking, or because I need to go to the bathroom. I think the interrupted sleep has me tired, but again, it is good training I guess.


Semana 31
Peso +24 Pounds 
Cintura +11.5 Inches 
Antojos: Fresas con nutella
No me gusta: El dolor de espalda

La semana 32 la pase en la Universidad; 8 horas ald dia sentada en una silla no muy comoda no ayudo mucho al dolor del espalda, pero sobrevivi jaja. Fue una semana eterna, pero estuve tomando agua, tomando breaks y caminando cuando podia alrededor de la universidad y eso me ayudo mucho.

Tambien empezamos a lavar la ropa que tenemos de Antonella, ya casi tenemos todo lavado y listo para que ella lo use. Tenemos pañales para 5 dias mas o menos entonces si llega temprano podemos sobrevivir. Necesitamos la silla para el carro, sin la silla no nos dejan sacarla del hospital, entonces una vez tengamos la silla estaremos listos para Antonella.

El cuarto tambien va avanzando, tan pronto terminemos pongo fotos. Es un cuarto muy sencillo, pero divertido. A mi me gusta y yo se que a ella le va a gustar tambien. Compramos una silla mecedora antigua en craigslist y nos encanta, solo necesitamos un cojin para la espalda porque no tiene mucho soporte. Tambien quiero comprar un ottoman, y ya no nos faltaria nada mas para su cuarto. Encotre unos ottomanes en etsy que estan a buen precio entonces es probable que compremos algo en etsy. 

Antonella sigue creciendo y moviendose muchisimo, yo he estado cansandome rapido, me despierto un par de veces durante la noche por los movimientos de A, o porque necesito ir al baño. El sueño interrumpido me tiene cansada, pero es buen entrenamiento.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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My husband's very first Father's Day with a baby on the way was really fun. It all started at 4am for him. He woke up that early to go to the Picken's home to make donuts for all the father's at Urban. I wasn't allowed to go because I am so very pregnant (pfft, not ok!), but he said he had a great time, and I don't doubt it, the Pickens are so much fun. 

We went to church, and after church we went to Andres restaurant for Cuban. K wanted that so that is what he got. And then we came home and he watched the basketball game and we just cuddled. He was so tired and had not seen me much all week that's all he wanted to do. 

It is so nice to spend time with him, my favorite time of the day is when we wake up and spend a few minutes just there, laying in bed, saying good morning and just being together. And to my absolute pleasure he loves it too. 

My husband is going to become a dad in 4-7 weeks and I am so excited for this little girl to spend that morning time with us. I can picture them together and I know she is his already, he is going to be such an amazing dad, she doesn't know it yet, but she is blessed beyond belief. 

Happy Father's Day Husband, I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

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In the past our friends the Millers have taken pictures of us, and we have taken pictures of them. Since PJ made her appearance 8 months ago, they hadn't taken many pictures of the whole family and Caleb and I are pregnant so we decided to drive up to Poway and take pictures of both families. Mel took pictures of Caleb, Antonella and I, and I took pictures of the Millers (which I will show in a future post).

I had a different outfit planned out for my pictures, one that would showcase the belly a bit more it so everyone could see Antonella a bit more, but when I arrived to Poway I realized I brought a shoe from one pair and a shoe from another pair, so I had to wear the black dress and smile. Oh pregnancy brain you got me again!