Saturday, August 18, 2012

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And here is my belly progression. It's surreal to see them all together. I can't believe I carried her for over 41 weeks. And she grew inside of me, and we became best friends as we felt each other move. We learned about each other; she learned I dance with daddy often, I learned she wakes up at 4am. She learned I don't eat spicy food, I learned she gets the hiccups with cold water. She learned I will push myself and work more than I should, I learned she likes to slow down, and will make me slow down with her when necessary. She learned I love strawberries, I learned she loves them too! We just learned each other, we knew each other even before we laid eyes on each other, we just knew.

I will miss her kicks in my belly, and I will miss knowing I get to protect her from everything, no matter what. I will miss the anticipation, not knowing what she looks like and dreaming about her while rubbing my belly and talking to her. I will miss her daddy singing to her and the long crazy stories he told my belly. I will miss him praying for her while he massaged my back, every night he just massaged my back and prayed for her, every night, every night! I will miss that weird connection he seemed to have with her and how she just kicked like crazy when she heard his voice, I will miss her humor (yes my daughter showed us her humor from the belly).

Antonella, my daughter, I've loved carrying you, even the days I was so hot I really thought I was going to pass out, I've felt so honored I got to be your first home. I am so honored God chose me to be your mom. These 41+ weeks have been unreal, they have been the most incredible experience and I know they are just the beginning of the most exciting life with you. I cannot wait to see you with your daddy, the thought of you two together kept me going the days I thought I couldn't, during the contractions I thought were unbearable, and I know seeing you together will be the most amazing gift I could be given. I love you!


Aca esta el progreso de mi barriga. Es increible ver todas las fotos juntas. No puedo creer que la cargue por un poco mas de 41 semanas. Y ella crecio adentro mio, y nos volvimos mejores amigas mientras sentiamos a la otra moverse. Y aprendimos cosas de la otra; ella sabe que yo bailo con su papa seguido, y yo aprendi que ella se despierta a las 4am. Ella aprendio que yo no como comida picante, y yo aprendi que a ella le da hipo con el agua fria. Ella aprendio que yo aveces trabajo mas de lo que deberia, y yo aprendi que a ella le gusta ir mas despacio, y me va a hacer ir mas despacio si es necesario. Ella aprendio que a mi me encantan las fresas, y yo aprendi que a ella tambien le encantan. Las dos aprendimos sobre la otra, nos conocimos antes de vernos, las dos sencillamente sabiamos.

Voy a extrañar sus patadas en mi barriga, y voy a extrañar el saber que puedo protejerla de todas las cosas, sin importar que sea. Voy a extrañar la anticipacion, no saber como se ve y soñar como se va a ver mientras me toco la barriga y le hablo. Y voy a extranar ver a su papa cantarle y contarle las historias locas que le contaba a mi barriga. Voy a extrañar oirlo orar por mi y por ella mientras me masajeaba la espada todas las noches, porque el me masajeo todas las noches, todas las noches! Voy a extrañar esa coneccion extraña que parecian tener Caleb y Antonella, cada vez que el hablaba ella saltaba con emocion. Voy a extrañar el humor de Antonella (si, mi hija nos mostro su humor desde la barriga).

Antonella, mi hija, me encanto cargarte, inclusive en esos dias que tenia tanto calor que sentia que me iba a desmayar jaja. Ha sido un honor ser tu primera casa. Me siento tan honrada porque Dios me escogio para ser tu mama. Estas 41+ semanas han sido surreales, han sido la experiencia mas increible y yo se que es solo el principio de la vida mas emocionante contigo. Ya quiero verte pasar mas tiempo con tu papa, la idea de ustedes juntos me ayudo a seguir con una buena actitud en esos dias que sentia que no podia cargarte mas, me ayudo durante las contracciones que parecian insoportables, yo se que verlos juntos va a ser el mejor regalo que yo podria haber recibido. Te amo.


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