Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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Week 12

Weight +2 Pounds
Waist +2 Inches
Cravings: Colombian food!!!!!
Dislikes: Nothing in particular, just random smells

So this week I got this awkward bump, it's not really a baby belly, it just looks like I ate way too much. Most of the time it is really really low, but when we took the picture so wasn't so what do you do?

This week I kept throwing up as planned by baby Luehmann it wasn't a bad week though, the throwing up is totally under control. On Thursday (1.27.12) we had our first ultrasound (pics below), I had to drink 36 ounces of water before getting there at 7am. Well I drank about 12 and threw up, I drank about 10 more and threw up. Then I chugged another 12 and once again I threw up, this time at the hospital I had to run away from the waiting room. I told the nurse I could keep trying but I just kept throwing up and she told me to stop. 

It was now time for the ultrasound, the doctor ding the ultrasound was awesome, she was sweet and super nice and laughed with us as we saw baby Luehmann flipping back and forth inside my belly. Dr. Nga needed the baby to be on his/her back but no, he/she refused and kept flipping to be on his/her belly. The doctor moved my belly around and the baby flipped back, only to move right back on his/her belly once we stopped moving. It was amazing to see the baby move, he/she moved his/her arms up and down, and just looked a bit annoyed at our intrusion. 

Dr. Nga took pictures, showed us the baby in 3D, which was crazy, and the baby looks totally like an alien right now ha. She explained a few things and then after 45 minutes of trying to get that baby moving to measure all the things she had to move she told us to go have breakfast and come back. We went to the cafeteria, I had a veggie smoothy and crackers and then we went back. The doctor said the baby looked great, and based on the measurement and the blood work the chances of a genetic disorder were very very low, like 1 in 12000. We went home so excited we got to see our baby, what an amazing miracle being pregnant is. Both Caleb and I are in constant awe of our Creator.


Semana 12

Peso +2 Libras
Cintura +2 Pulgadas
Antojos: Comida Colombiana!!!!
Me disguta: Nada en particular, solo olores por aqui y por alla. 

Esta semana tengo empezo a crecerme la barriga y tengo una barriguita rara. No es como la barriga de embarazo, es un mini bolita rara, como si hubiese comido mucho. La mayoria del tiempo es en el abdomen bajo pero cuano tomamos la foto estaba un poco mas arriba.

Las nauseas y el vomito siguen en marcha, el bebe Luehmann lo tiene todo planeado. No ha sido tan terrible, ya me he estado acostumbrando. El Jueves pasado (1.27.12) tuvimos nuestra primera ecografia (fotos al final). Tenia que tomarme 36 onzas de agua antes de las 7am. Me tome 12 y vomite, tome 10 mas y vomite. Decidi seguir tomando agua, tome 12 onzas mas y de nuevo vomite, esta vez en el hospital, tuve que salir corriendo de la sala de espera. Despues de eso le dije a la enfermera que podia seguir tomando agua pero que no paraba de vomitar y ella me dijo que dejara de intentar.

Llego la hora de la ecografia la doctora haciendo la ecografia fue increible. Fue super dulce y queridisima y se rio con nosotros mientras veiamos al bebe Luehmann dando vueltas en mi estomago. La doctora Nga necesitaba que el bebe estuviera acostado en su espalda pero no, el/ella seguia volteandose y acomodandose boca abajo. La doctora empezo a mover mi barriga y el bebe se volteo, y 2 minutos mas tarde volvio a acostarse boca abajo. Es increible ver al bebe moverse, ponia sus brazos arriba y abajo, y parecia molesto con la intrusion.

La doctora tomo fotos, nos mostro el bebe en 3D, y fue increible, el bebe se ve completamente como un alien ja. La doctora nos explico un par de cosas y despues de 45 minutos de mover al bebe para poder tomar las mediciones que necesitaban nos dijeron que fueramos a desayunar y volvieramos despues. Fuimos a la cafeteria, yo me tome un smoothie de vegetales con galletas y volvimos. La doctora dijo que el bebe se veia bien, basandose en las mediciones y la sangre que me habian tomado la semana anterior las probabilidades de un desorden genetico eran muy bajas, 1 en 12000 me dijo. Nos fuimos a la casa felices de haber visto a nuestro bebe, estar embarazado es un milagro increible. Caleb y yo estamos mas y mas impresionados con el poder de nuestro Creador.


Baby's footprint, it is just 1 cm long

Our cute alien looking baby =)

Monday, January 30, 2012

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Dinner with the family at Piatti in U village. Our sister Jana works there and the food was really really good. We cannot say it enough, but spending time with family is just the best. We really wish they all lived closer to us (both my side and his side), because let's be honest trading San Diego for rainy Washington or rainy Bogota is just not smart. Move family, move to sunny CA!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

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Norb took Caleb and I to Snoqualmie Falls and it was absolutely beautiful. I had never seen so much ice on everything, it was amazing. We walked around and took pictures, had lunch and had the best time. I felt like I was in The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. We don't get views like those in San Diego. Thank you so much Norb, we really loved spending time with you!

Friday, January 27, 2012

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We walked around Pikes Place with Norb while in Seattle and went to Ballard afterward for dinner with Jarret, Heather and Linus. Such a good time. We love our friends and family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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Week 11

Weight +2 Pounds
Waist +1 Inches
Cravings: Colombian food, calentado paisa in particular
Dislikes: This week brushing my teeth was still challenging, but it was better. 

This week I was as nauseous as the prior two weeks, but I haven't been as tired so that is good. We have started to think about a birthing plan and what we want our life to look like once the baby comes. We drive around town thinking of areas where we'd like to live in, granted we live under the flight path right now and we aren't excited about airplanes flying over our house with a baby. We have been talking about discipline techniques, what we think is ok, what we think is not. We have been discussing whether we want to he baby in our bed or not (a resounding NO from both of us was predominant here). We have just talked and talked and talked, and every time a conversation is over we pray for wisdom, there is no way we can raise a child properly without God's guidance.

It has been interesting to hear Caleb's points of view and how he brings things to the table I hadn't thought of or I am simply not strong in. God is outstanding, my husband is more perfect for me every day, He truly brought us together, I could have never found such a perfect match on my own.

On Monday Caleb and I went on a tour of the hospital and attended an event to meet the midwives. We absolutely loved the hospital, they offer birthing rooms and regular labor and delivery rooms. The difference between both is that in the birthing rooms you are not hooked up to an IV, you are not monitored non-stop, and you don't get drugs. In the birthing rooms you are monitored constantly with a doppler, the room is much bigger, you can bring food and drinks, and music if you'd like. It also has a tub you can sit on to relief pain, but water births are not available. The bed is not a hospital bed, just a regular queen size bed. What we liked the most about the birthing room is that the baby is not taken out of the room after birth, the first thing the baby will feel is my skin, and then he/she gets cleaned up in the same room and brought back to me for breastfeeding. 

In the birthing room Caleb can be a lot more involved, he can even deliver the baby himself if he chooses to do it (we probably won't do that), and we really like that. Also the episiotomy rate of the birthing center is less than 2% and the cesarean rate is less than 13%, which sounds lovely to me considering I checked the national rates. The best part about the hospital is that you can choose to have the baby in the regular delivery rooms, but without drugs, in case there are complications they can monitor you more frequently. They also said they can transfer you from a birthing room to a regular room in less than 2 minutes, and if the need for a cesarean arises then you can be transfered to the operating room in less than 2 minutes as well. 

We felt really safe listening to the midwives, and doulas, and nurses, it was a very cool experience. And they had fruit and veggie trays, my favorite! 

We are still not 100% sure we will attempt a natural birth, but we are definitely excited about the possibility of trying it. 


Semana 11

Peso  +2 Libras
Cintura  +1 Pulgada
Antojos: Comida Colombiana, calentado paisa para ser mas especifica.
No me gusta: Lavarme los dientes sigue siendo dificil pero mucho mas manejable.

Esta semana tuve tantas nauseas como las dos semanas anteriores, pero no he estado tan cansada entonces es mejor. Hemos estado pensando en un plan de nacimiento y como queremos que nuestra vida se vea una ves el bebe nazca. Cuando estamos manejando hemos estado mirando a los diferentes barrios pensando en opciones para mudarnos. En este momento vivimos debajo de la ruta que usan los aviones para descender en San Diego, y la idea de tener un bebe debajo de aviones no nos gusta de a mucho. Hemos hablado de tecnicas de disciplina, lo que nos parece que esta bien, lo que no nos parece que esta bien. Hemos discutido si queremos tener el bebe en nustra cama (y un NO enorme fue el resultado de esa conversacion). Hemos estado hablando, y hablando, y hablando, y despues de cada conversacion oramos por sabiduria, no hay riesgo de que podamos criar a un hijo/a de la manera correcta sin la guia del Señor.

Ha sido interesante oir a Caleb y su puntos de vista, me encanta lo que el trae a la mesa, siempre es algo en lo que yo no he pensado o algo de lo que yo no se mucho. Dios es increible. mi esposo es mas perfecto para mi cada dia, El Señor realmente planeo mi matrimonio, yo no habria podido encontrar a alguien mas perfecto.
 El Lunes Caleb y yo fuimos a un tour del hospital y a un evento para conocer a las parteras. Nos encanto el hospital, ofrecen habitaciones que no son de hospital pero son para tener el bebe de manera natural. Tambien tienen habitaciones regulares. La diferencia entre ambas es que en las habitaciones para partos naturales no me conectan a un IV, no me estan monitoreando todo el tiempo y no recibo medicina. En las habitaciones para partos naturales hay monitoreo constante con un doppler, la habitacion es mas grande, puedo traer comida, bebidas, y musica si quiero. Tambien ofrecen una tina en la que me puedo sentar para ayudarme con el dolor, pero no puedo tener el bebe en la tina. La cama no es una cama de hospital pero una cama regular queen size. Lo que mas nos gusto de las habitaciones para partos normales es que en ningun momento sacan al bebe de la habitacion despues de que nace. Apenas nace el bebe me lo dan a mi, despues se lo/la llevan para limpiarlo, pero es en la misma habitacion que hacen la limpieza, y depues me lo/la devuelven para que le de comer.

En la habitacion para partos naturales Caleb puede participar mucho mas, el puede inclusive recibir el bebe si quiere (pero puede que no hagamos eso), y eso nos encanto. El promedio de episiotomias es del 2% y el promedio de cesareas es del 13%, lo que suena perfecto considerando el promedio nacional. La mejor parte del hopsital es que uno puede escoger tener el bebe en una habitacion regular pero si usar medicina, en caso de complicaciones pueden mantenerme en monitoreo sin parar. Tambien dijeron que me pueden transferir de una habitacion de partos normales a una habitacion de hospital normal en menos de 2 minutos, y si necesitan hacer una cesarea en el ultimo minuto pueden transferirme a la sala de operaciones en menos de 2 minutos tambien.
Ambos nos sentimos comodos escuchando a las parteras, las doulas y las enfermeras, fue una buena idea ir. Y tenian una cantidad de fruta y verduras, el mejor evento! 

Todacia no estamos 100% seguros de intentar un parto natural, pero definitivamente nos parece emocionate intentar.

Monday, January 23, 2012


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While in Seattle we decided to go to the EMP and walk around. It is such a cool museum, if you are in Seattle and have not been there you must make your way there and enjoy all the different rooms and exhibitions they have. We had a blast there and I only threw up once =).

Friday, January 20, 2012

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Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket 

While we were in Washington we thought it would be a good idea to swing by Canada and see a little bit of Vancouver. We spent an afternoon there and it was rainy and cold but I thought it was beautiful, I wish we would have been able to stay longer or come back on a day that wasn't raining. 

The Button family came with us and we had a great time strolling around Vancouver. Can't wait to go back and explore more.