Sunday, February 22, 2015

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , ,
 photo Week 51_zpshi5khxcy.jpg

 photo Week 51_zpsq1ek2bbo.jpg

Emi's skinis still not doing great. It really doesn't seem to bother her but it is really dry and I don't like it. Aquaphor does seem to be helping but I am trying essential oils more. We will give it a couple more weeks and see. Her and Antonella have been playing more and more together, Antonella is very defensive of her and often tells me Emi is her sister if I am correcting some behaviour. It's adorable. Emi is such a sweet baby, in the mornings when she wakes up she likes to snuggle with me and usually stares at me and smiles, it's really one of my favorite times, it feels like time stopped for her and I to fall more in love.


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