Friday, September 20, 2013

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Week 19 Weight - 3 lb
Inches -
4.5 inches

Like - 

Dislike -
The heat

This past week we found out we were having another little girl. I love having my sister so so so much that I am exhilarated thinking of the blessing this two little girls have in each other. My brothers are both over a decade younger than me so it's a different relationship, even though I love having them too!

We have been weaning Antonella this week. She only breastfeeds in the mornings when she first wakes up and that is all. And I have noticed a boost in my energy levels, so crazy! 

We decided that even though this baby will have a lot of hand me downs from A we wanted to get her something that was hers, so we went to Old Navy and got her a bathing suit ha. It's so very cute, I'll have to upload a picture soon. My clothes still fit me but they are getting more and more tight and some jeans might fit me but quite honestly they are to uncomfortable to wear so I have started using a hair band through the button hole instead of buttoning them. I am unsure as to what I will wear this fall and winter, it'll be interesting to get creative. 

I have been monitoring my food intake a lot more and trying to eat at least 5 times a day. Usually I get some Greek yogurt as a snack and some fruit and count it as a meal, I just need to make sure I stay healthy for the sake of the baby, and for my sake. Water intake has been a little different, I am supposed to be drinking a gallon a day and not once have I hit that mark, it's a lot of water. 

I've been loving lemonade, and xxx vitamin water, they just taste so very good to me. The heat has subsided a little but it's still hard for me to smile during hot hot days, I try though. 

I am excited to hit half pregnancy week, time is flying!


Semana 19
Peso - 3 lb
Cintura - 4.5 pulgadas
Like -  Limonada
Dislike - El calor

La semana pasada nos enteramos de que este bebe es una niña. Siempre me ha encantado tener una hermana, entonces yo estaba feliz de pensar en la gran bendicion que mis hijas van a tener en la otra. mis hermanos son mas de años menores que yo, entonces es una relacion diferente con ellos, a pesar de que me encanta tenerlos tambien.
Hemos stado quitandole el pecho a Antonella esta semana. Solamente toma leche materna apenas se levanta. Me he dado cuenta de la cantidad de energia que tengo desde que empezamos a darle menos leche materna a Antonella. Es increible como afecta mi energia.

Decidimos que a pesar de que esta bebe va a tener una cantidad de ropa de Antonella queriamos comprarle algo nuevo de parte de nosotros, asi que le compramos un vestido de baño jaja. Es talla 3 meses, tenemos que subir una foto pronto. Mi ropa todavia me queda bien pero esta mas y mas apretada, algunos jeans me quedan pero son incomodos entonces he empezado a usar las bandas elasticas y a dejarme el pantalon sin abotonar. Va a ser interesante ser creativa este otoño e invierno con lo que me voy a poner. 

He estado monitoreando lo que como mas y tratando de comer 5 veces al dia. Usualmente como yogurt griego y un poco de fruta como una de mis comidas, mientras este segura de que estoy comiendo seguido me siento mejor. Tengo que asegurarme de que mantengo al bebe y a mi misma saludable. Se supone que tengo que tomar 1 galon de agua al dia, pero me ha costado mucho trabajo tomar tanta agua, todavia no he logrado tomar todo eso en un dia.

Ultimamente he estado obsesiaonada con limonada y agua de vitamina xxx, saben delicioso jaja. El calor ha bajado un poco pero todavia me cuesta trabajo sonreir cuando esta haciendo mucho calor, pero yo intento. 

Estamos emocionados por la llegar a la mitad del embarazo esta semana que viene, el tiempo esta volando. 

Antonella is just a fun little monkey - Antonella es hermosa, mi loquita

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