Hello double chin? eeek |
Week 22
Weight +10 Pounds
Waist +6 Inches
Cravings: Colombian hot dogs (and even if I went to Colombia I can't have them)
Dislikes: Nothing
This past week was good, Antonella has been kicking like crazy and we have been talking to her and reading to her as usual. I threw up a couple times which was unusual but I wasn't feeling sick or anything.
The only new development of the week was a new rash and itching I have started to develop. At first I thought the itching was the regular itchiness pregnant women experience, but it was on my arms and chest and legs so I discarded that pretty quickly. Then I started getting a rash, it is a mild rash, nothing crazy but still a rash. The itching was almost unbearable at points so my lovely husband would take small wet face towels and put them in the freezer and then on my body, that relieved the itchiness a lot.
The doctor said it sounds like a mild case of PUPPPs (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy). I really don't want to imagine what a severe case feels like, I am praying for women who have it =/. She ordered a few tests and we'll go next week to confirm the diagnosis.
PUPPPs is a chronic rash some women experience during pregnancy. Fortunately it does not come with any risks to me or to the baby, it is just simply annoying. Only 1 in every 200 pregnant women get to experience the lovely itchiness so I feel like I won a raffle ha. It can get quite aggressive and I am believing it doesn't in my case, it will simply go away!
The doctor suggested Aveeno oatmeal baths and if it gets worse they'll give me cortisone or something like that, but I would rather not have to do that. We'll try the baths and see how that goes. In the meantime and when you remember please pray it goes away, it is annoying and incredibly uncomfortable. Thanks!
Semana 22
Cintura +6 Pulgadas
Antojos: Perros calientes colombianos (que el doctor me dijo no puedo comer buuu)
No me gusta: NadaLa semana pasada nos fue bien, Antonella se sigue moviendo muchisimo y nosotros seguimos hablandole y leyendole como siempre. Tuve que vomitar un par de veces la semana pasada, fue raro pero no me he sentido enferma ni nada entonces no me preocupa.
La unica noticia de la semana es un salpullido que empece a tener con mucho rasquiña. Al principio pense que era la rasquiña normal del embarazo, pero empezo en mis brazos, piernas y pecho entonces no podia ser eso. Despues empece a ver el salpullido, es un salpullido leve, nada muy preocupante. La rasquiña (o picazon? como se dice bien, no importa) es desesperante aveces, mi esposo usa toallas pequeñas, las moja y las pone en el congelador y despues sobre mi cuerpo y eso ayuda mucho.
La doctora dijo que sonaba como un caso leve de PUPPPs. No quiero imaginarme lo que un caso severo es, he estado orando por mujeres que lo tienen. La doctora ordeno unos tests y tenemos que ir la siguiente semana para confirmar el diagnostico.
PUPPPs es un salpullido cronico que algunas mujeres tienen durante el embarazo. Afortunadamente no afecta al bebe ni a mi, es solamente fastidioso. 1 de cada 200 mujeres embarazadas tiene la emocionante oportunidad de tener PUPPPs, es como si me hubiera ganado la rifa ja. Puede ser muy agresivo pero estoy orando en contra de eso, sencillamente va a desaparecer!
La doctora sugurio baños de avena, y dijo que si se ponia peor me daban cortisona pero yo prefiero que no llegue a esos extremos. Vamos a intentar los baños y vamos a ver como nos va. Mientras tanto, cada vez que piensen en nosotros oren porque se desaparezca, gracias =).
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