First Sunday at Church last week was mind-blowing! We had over 170 people join us for service and stick around after service for a free lunch and to go through the racks and tables of goods we had been donated. We have gotten so organized, we've truly improved this ministry every time we do it; we give out cards to all the people that come and call their card number in an orderly fashion so groups of 10 people go through everything at a time. While some are going through others are having lunch and just making friends in the courtyard. We had an incredible amount of clothes, toiletries, household items, groceries and some furniture.
Caleb and I were assigned to the check out table, which I must say has to be the best spot; we get to see people leave with bags upon bags of free goods, blessed and excited to be there and we get to chat with them, ask them how we can serve them better and offer prayer, and we get to pray for them and with them and next time around we get to ask them about those prayers requests and hear praise reports! We've heard unbelievable stories of God's love and provision, we've gotten to know people better and we've learned a little bit of what it is that our community needs.
Some people we only see at First Sunday, but we have also seen some of those people that used to be First Sunday-only folk join us more regularly and we've had a chance to hear miraculous stories of how God has transformed their life; we've even seen them stick around for tear down which is incredible. First Sunday has become not only a place were people come to get their needs met but also a place were they come to have a meeting with God, and those two were the reason we started it in the first place.
It is a true honor to have a chance to be a part of First Sunday and to serve our community, it's a guaranteed smile on our face and we cannot wait for next First Sunday in May.
1st Sundays truly show the heart of Urban - it's one of my favorite events to serve in. It's such a blessing to see people's live changed through a church who has such a servant's heart.